EARN BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Minutes of the Meeting Held November 19 and 20, 1987 PLACE: Hotel Pullman Saint Jacques, Paris, France EARN DIRECTORS: EARN STAFF: OBSERVERS: ABSENT: Jose Barbera, Spain (deputising Arturo Ribagor-da on November 19, observer for IRIS on November 20) Kurt Bauknecht, Switzerland Paul Bryant, U.K., EARN Technical Director Birgitta Carlson, Sweden Avi Cohen, Israel Rene Florizoone, Belgium Frode Greisen, Denmark Michael Hebgen, Germany, EARN General Secretary Matti Ihamuotila, Finland Jean-Claude Ippolito, France, EARN Treasurer Dennis Jennings, Ireland, EARN President David Lord, CERN, EARN Vice-President Oguz Manas, Turkey Kees Neggers, Netherlands Stelios Orphanoudakis, Greece Arturo Ribagorda, Spain Salami, Algeria Stefano Trumpy, Italy Alain Auroux, Manager, Paris Office Joe Chester, Executive Assistant, Dublin Office Ann Hovenden, Secretary, Dublin Office Colin Allen, Digital (Europe) Mats Brunell, NORDUNET Herb Budd, IBM (Europe) Thedi Hatt, SWITCH Odd Jorgensen, Digital (Europe) Boudewijn Nederkoorn, SURFNET Nicholas Newman, CEC Philippe Salzedo, REUNIR Ian Smith, JANET Peter Tindemans, COSINE Klaus Ullmann, DFN & RARE Austria, Iceland, Ivory Coast, Norway, Portugal References relate to the papers in the briefing document and supplemental papers for this meeting. Agenda items are numbered in ! 00000005 EARN-MIN Z5 VM/XA CMS 5.5 Atlas Centre 201.07 27/10/89 Page 00002 a unique way to enable definite references. 87.18 WELCOME Dennis Jennings, chairman, opened the meeting, welcoming all participants. He summarized major activities of the EARN Executive Committee (EXEC) since the last BOD meeting. The EARN BOD formally thanked IBM Europe for the initiative and support of EARN in the past 4 years including a grant of 250.000 ECU for the management of EARN. 87.19 AGENDA The chairman suggested a schedule for this and future BOD meetings 00 am – 6.00 pm for the 1st day 30 am – 3.30 pm for the 2nd day and some changes, additions and rearrangements in the agenda which were approved. 87.20 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING The minutes were presented by Michael Hebgen and with minor changes on page 1 approved. The BOD requested to speed up the distribution process for the minutes. Matters arising: The closure of the ARPANET gatway at WISCVM and a letter to the Belgium PTT will be discussed under related topics. 87.21 MIGRATION (PAGE 145) 1) With millions of ECU of support from DEC for OSI migration the EARN EXEC will prepare a detailed plan over the next months and present it to the EARN BOD for approval. The development of the migration plan will be a very public procedure seeking for many input from other networks, national networks and organisations like RARE, COSINE, CEC, CEPT etc. The EARN BOD approved the EARN-DEC program in the overall context of the EARN OSI migration. Kees Neggers thanked the EARN EXEC for the effort to achive this support. 2) Nick Newman mentioned many programs and financing of the CEC and the major RARE criteria (commercial providers, standards, geographical coverage). The CEC will help “closed” networks like EARN/EUNET for transition to get a true european infra structure for data communication. 00000005 EARN-MIN Z5 VM/XA CMS 5.5 Atlas Centre 201.07 27/10/89 Page 00003 The EARN BOD authorized Dennis Jennings to welcome on behalf of the EARN BOD the expected press release from Mr. Carpentier (CEC) and to start discussions with the CEC for joined programs and activities. 3) Paul Bryant presented the migration strategy paper (page 153) and mentioned that NSAP adressing at X.121 level needs to be harmonized with JANET, RARE etc. After a detailed discussion the EARN BOD approved a changed version of the migration strategy (page 156): EARN Network enhancement and OSI integration strategy Convert backbone to X.25 (1984) Interim – run NJE/RSCS over X.25 Use X.400 for mail Use FTAM/JTM/VTP when products are available Allow X.3, X.28, X.29 dialog Interim – allow other protocols for connectivity Phase out NJE/RSCS and other protocols when possible Encourage national EARN to migrate within national plans RSCS RFC822/X.400 relay and RSCS/FTAM relay Investigate public/private backbone Seek support from national and international organisations The above was adopted as a policy statement by the EARN Board of Directors. The EARN EXEC should develop an implementation plan to be presented at the next EARN BOD meeting; statements of interest for this task force came from Dennis Jennings, Paul Bryant, Kees Neggers and Birgitta Carlson. The EARN EXEC received the approval to move ahead with some details when applicable in anticipation of the plan with information of the EARN BOD. 4) Paul Bryant mentioned the report of the last EARN Technical meeting in Perugia which is available via NETSERV (3 documents). Dennis Jennings mentioned the next EARN Technical meeting in Lisbon where details of the operation of the exi-siting and future network are to be discussed. 87.22 MANAGEMENT REPORT (PAGE 10) 00000005 EARN-MIN Z5 VM/XA CMS 5.5 Atlas Centre 201.07 27/10/89 Page 00004 The management report by the EARN BOD. presented by Dennis Jennings was accepted 87.23 OPERATING PROCEDURES (PAGE 172) Michael Hebgen presented and the EARN BOD adopted the following operating procedures: 1) ELECTRONIC VOTING Because of the need to come to decisions in the meantime between the two regular anniversary meetings of the EARN Board of Directors (BOD) the following operating procedures for electronic voting will be defined: If not explicitly stated within the proposition to be voted on, the normal reaction time is four (4) A proposition is accepted if the majority of EARN BOD members give a positive vote, except the cancel lation of membership which requires a 2/3 majority. A proposition is deferred until the next EARN BOD meeting if at least three (3) BOD members wish so. Decisions will be ratified by the next EARN BOD meet 2) DEPUTIZING FOR EARN DIRECTOR Each EARN BOD member is permitted and encouraged to declare the deputy EARN Director of his country and maybe one other person (a secretary e.g.) to ensure that electronic mail is read in time. The electronic addresses of these persons will be included into the distribution list EARN-BOD at IRLEARN. In case of absence of the EARN BOD member the deputy EARN Director of the country is entitled to vote on behalf of the EARN BOD member. 3) DOCUMENTS All documents produced are open by default unless explicitely stated. Working papers must be marked “DRAFT”. The EARN BOD nominated Michael Hebgen for chairman and Avi Cohen, Frode Greisen and Stelios Orphanoudakis for members of the Operating Procedures Group, which will deal with further suggested points for electronic voting procedure. 00000005 EARN-MIN Z5 VM/XA CMS 5.5 Atlas Centre 201.07 27/10/89 Page 00005 87.24 PUBLICITY Dennis Jennings encouraged each EARN BOD member to enforce country distribution of press releases, to tailer them to local usage and to help the EARN Dublin office with country addresses. Press releases will be distributed immediately to the EARN BOD either on paper or electronically. Ann Hovenden reminded December 1st as the deadline for the country report to enable publication in January 1988. 87.25 DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY (PAGE 17) Joe Chester presented these medium to long term considerations which are an attempt to define the goals and what EARN is and will be. EARN tries to find commonality and enhancements of user needs like infrastructure, services, connectivity and cooperation – no extend of the physical network is mentioned. After a controversary discussion it was stated, that this paper is a DRAFT and all participants are invited to comment. The observers are asked not to distribute this draft. 87.26 VOLUME CHARGING (PAGE 99) Dennis Jennings reported on activities of the EARN EXEC like negotiations with the German PTT, planned meeting with the CEPT and with the CEC. He also gave an update of the Belgium situation. Michael Hebgen gave a german update on volume charging and actual activities especially in the scientific area. The EARN BOD agreed on actions to continue to seek elimination in cooperation with other organisations. All activities must be coordinated with the EARN country Director. 87.27 ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP 1) Birgitta Carlson mentioned a change in the procedure that the EARN country Director may give provisional approval – see also the new EARN brochure. The associate membership of EDS, Interatom and Oxford Instruments has been approved, 3 requests are in process and a new one from MRWFC(Medium Range Weather Forecasting) just has arrived. All EARN BOD members are asked to inform thru Joe Chester the EARN membership committee about actual and maybe new associate members. The EARN BOD authorized the EARN membership committee to 00000005 EARN-MIN Z5 VM/XA CMS 5.5 Atlas Centre 201.07 27/10/89 Page 00006 develop an associate membership application easier to check the conditions. form to make it The EARN BOD appointed Arturo Ribagorda, Stelios Orphanoudak- is, Kees Neggers and Frode Greisen to the EARN Membership Com After discussion of the Draft (page 82) the EARN BOD agreed on an annual associate membership fee to be implemented at coun try level. 87.28 MEMBERSHIP (PAGE 22) The electronic votes printed on page 42 were corrected together with Luxembourg 4 new countries were elected: and Algeria, Cyprus, Yugoslavia: for 16, against 0, not voted 6 Luxembourg – unopposed vote during EARN BOD meeting In the case of Hungary the EARN EXEC has decided to go to the EARN BOD with the received applicatrion request because of a “COCOM proscribed country”. The EARN BOD wishes Hungary to be a member of EARN and instructs Dennis Jennings together with Stefa-no Trumpy to clearify the situation, to setup a draft and to inform the EARN BOD. 87.29 BITNET REPORT Dennis Jennings gave a short report an the NSF plans and the ARPANET gatway situation. The node WISCVM closes the gateway end of this year and BITNET has planned 7 regional gateways to ARPA/NSF to be available in January 1988. Stefano Trumpy stated that EARN cannot use the Italian gateway to ARPANET because UK is formally opposing any european non-Italian traffic. He also described the ASTRO project and will arrange a presentation and demonstration during EARN88. 87.30 TOPOLOGY Alain Auroux explained the reasons for the topology changes which are volume tariffs in Germany, traffic and migration aspects. After a lengthy discussion of different options and opportunities the EARN BOD agreed on an interim minimal change topology within 00000005 EARN-MIN Z5 VM/XA CMS 5.5 Atlas Centre 201.07 27/10/89 Page 00007 the constraint of the funding model “each country pays for one international line”. The votes were 14 for, 1 gainst and 1 obs-tain. The agreed topology, funding and share of the transatlantic link is listed in the appendices A and B. 87.31 TECHNICAL GROUP Paul Bryant presented the proposed draft agenda for the next Technical Meeting in Lisbon which was distributed before the meeting over EARN. This meeting is focussing on several issues of management of the EARN network. The EARN BOD amended the following topics to the agenda: Discussion on MOP – MVS Operations Group Development of plans for management and operation of the net work The EARN BOD gave a vote of thank to Berthold Pasch who has done an excellent job in NETSERV development and european country coordination. 87.32 CLOSED SESSION The minutes of the closed session are listed in a separate appendix C. 87.33 TRANSNATIONAL PAYMENT 1) The EARN BOD agreed the details of transnational payment mechanism for 1988: Each country pays for one international line and has to find bilateral agreement with the partner country. For the share of the transatlantic link the EARN associa tion will send an invoice to each country. The EARN manager Alain Auroux should be kept informed about all activities so he may help in case of problems. 2) Each EARN BOD member present reported the status of funding for 1988 with the result that financing of EARN for 1988 is secured. 87.34 EARN 88 Oguz Manas gave an overview of the status and planning for conference EARN88. The EARN BOD approved the programme and voted for focusing on 1 or 2 themes like european infrastructure, Internetworking or migration. 00000005 EARN-MIN Z5 VM/XA CMS 5.5 Atlas Centre 201.07 27/10/89 Page 00008 The next EARN BOD meeting is scheduled for April 21 and 22, 1988, following the EARN88 conference in Izmir, Turkey. 87.35 LIAISON The reports from Dennis Jennings and Joe Chester on a wide range of activities was adopted by the EARN BOD and approval was given for continuing discussion. A letter from SWITCH was presented by Kurt Bauknecht and noted by the EARN BOD. Michael Hebgen January 20, 1988 Appendix A EARN TOPOLOGY EARN Topology – as decided during the EARN Board 19/20 November Based on minimum changes due to the German situation List of international lines – Country A pays the line A-B A B Austria Switzerland Belgium France Denmark Sweden Finland Sweden France Switzerland Germany France (64 Kb) Greece France Iceland Sweden Switched line Ireland U.K. Israel France Italy France Ivory Coast France 00000005 EARN-MIN Z5 VM/XA CMS 5.5 Atlas Centre 201.07 27/10/89 Page 00009 Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey K. France Sweden Spain France Switzerland Germany France Switzerland The cost of the intercontinental line Montpellier – CUNY is shared by all above countries Appendix B TRANSATLANTIC LINE Transatlantic line: Countries contribution Annual cost of the line: 130 000 ECUs Based on Nov. 87 exchange rates. RARE Keys Cost 10 percent Total (ECU) contengency (ECU) Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey U.K. 12 12 12 12 20 20 7 1 7 12 20 1 16 12 7 16 16 16 12 20 251 4.8 6215 4.8 6215 4.8 6215 4.8 6216 8.0 10359 8.0 10359 2.8 3625 0.4 518 2.8 3625 4.8 6215 8.0 10359 0.4 518 6.4 8287 4.8 6215 2.8 3625 6.4 8287 6.4 8287 6.4 8287 4.8 6215 8.0 10359 130000 621 621 621 621 1036 1036 363 52 363 621 1036 52 829 621 363 829 829 829 621 1036 13000 6836 6836 6836 6836 11395 11395 3988 570 3988 6836 11395 570 9116 6836 3988 9116 9116 9116 6836 11395 143000 00000005 EARN-MIN Z5 VM/XA CMS 5.5 Atlas Centre 201.07 27/10/89 Page 00010 Appendix C 87.32 CLOSED SESSION On the 2nd day a closed session only for EARN BOD members and EARN staff was scheduled. 87.36 CEPT LIAISON Stefano Trumpy informed the EARN BOD about a planned meeting with the CEPT on December 15, 1987, in Copenhagen, an EARN only meeting at the beginning followed by a broader meeting with other parties. He also mentioned a remarkable result of COSINE discussions that one of the possible infrastructures in Europe is a private leased line X.25 network like EARN. 87.37 FINANCE 1) Jean-Claude Ippolito presented and explained the auditors report from Fiduciaire de France for 1985, 1986 and 1987, up to October 19. The EARN BOD formally noted the report and decided that approval for 1985, 1986 and 1987 – when closed – is subject to a final statement that the EARN associations book keeping is examined and correct. The auditors report must be itemized at least with the same headings as in the budget proposal on a year and quarter year basis – quarter year starting with 1987. A presentation of the actual and planned budget should be given each half year in advance to the EARN BOD meeting. The EARN BOD also requested a report on the obligations, duties and responsabilities of an EARN BOD member under the french law of the EARN association. 2) Jean-Claude Ippolito presented a budget proposal from July 1987 to June 1989. Kurt Bauknecht stated that he is dissatis fied with the EARN Executive Committee and he requested alter native budgets for the next 5 years to be prepared; the request was seconded by Frode Greisen and Avi Cohen. After a lengthy and controversary discussion the EARN BOD took the following motion: 00000005 EARN-MIN Z5 VM/XA CMS 5.5 Atlas Centre 201.07 27/10/89 Page 00011 The EARN EXEC should prepare a financial plan for the next five years (starting in July 1987) taking into account the following factors: A single office starting in February 1989, date of the change of President. A revision of the estimates provided in the proposed budget in particular to adjust the expendeture so that the use of the IBM grant terminates in the end of June 1989 with the least deficit. Several alternatives of staffing level will be pre This plan will be circulated to the EARN BOD members in the first half of February 1988 for comments. Distribution of the consequential contributions will be shown using the same keys as for the transatlantic link. Share this:FacebookTwitterReddit